Friday, March 23, 2012

No connection to local SQL Server when no network connection

The soluition is to use named pipes to connect as
Enterprise manager will if IP: cannot connect.
Change your connection string to :
'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1; Password="";Persist Security
ID=Bis;Initial Catalog=BIS;Data Source=(local)'
This should fix the problem.

>--Original Message--
>Hi !
>We are using Windows XP,
>ADO in our application,
>MS SQL Server 2000.
>(Programming language: Delphi 5;
> ADO components: from Adonis;
> The computer is a SONY notebook).
>SQL server is running on the same machine as the
>The application has worked in many, many cases under W2K
and even XP.
>But on that computer it doesn't work:
>When there is no network connection, then the application
CANNOT connect to
>our DB.
>On the other hand, Enterprise Manager CAN connect.
>When we plug in the network and restart the computer,
then the application
>CAN connect.
>However, SQL Server is running locally !
>The connection string for connecting our app to the
database is something
> 'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1; Password="";Persist Security
>ID=Bis;Initial Catalog=BIS;Data Source='
>How can we fix that problem ?
>Is this a problem of MS SQL Server administration ?
>Your kind help would be appreciated.
> Change your connection string to :
> 'Provider=SQLOLEDB.1; Password="";Persist Security
> Info=True;User
> ID=Bis;Initial Catalog=BIS;Data Source=(local)'
It worked.
Thanks a lot !

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