Friday, March 30, 2012

No loading data from ScriptComponent.

Dear all,

I've created a Data Flow scenario as follow:

At first I've got a Flat File Source and then Script Component Task and then OleDb Destination, linked among them by arrows, of course. When I run the SSIS all of them is successfully executed except the last task. Why? I don't know but it isn't awared of nothing.

649 rows are passed to Script Component from the file but they aren't going to my Sql table.

Let me know any advice or thought regarding ths.

Thanks a lot,

We need far far more information than you have provided here.

Is it a synchronous or asynchronous compoennt?|||

Hi Jamie,

Thanks for your quick response.

You'll see the full contains for the .net script

Public Class ScriptMain

Inherits UserComponent

Public Overrides Sub Input0_ProcessInputRow(ByVal Row As Input0Buffer)

Dim valorColumna As String

valorColumna = Row.Column9.Substring(1, 1)

If valorColumna = "N" Then

Me.Output0Buffer.IMPBASE = -1 * CDbl(Row.Column10 / 100)


Me.Output0Buffer.IMPBASE = CDbl(Row.Column10 / 100)

End If

Me.Output0Buffer.PORCRETEN = CDbl(Row.Column11 / 100)

Me.Output0Buffer.IMPRETEN = CDbl(Row.Column12 / 100)

Me.Output0Buffer.EJERCICIO = CInt(Row.Column2)

Me.Output0Buffer.CODPROV = CInt(Row.Column7)

Me.Output0Buffer.MODALIDAD = CInt(Row.Column8)

Me.Output0Buffer.NIFPERC = CStr(Row.Column3)

Me.Output0Buffer.NIFREP = CStr(Row.Column4)

Me.Output0Buffer.NOMBRE = CStr(Row.Column6)

Me.Output0Buffer.EJERDEV = CDbl(Row.Column13)

End Sub

I haven't idea if it's asyn or syn

I think that there is some big error very very stupid in all of this.

Thanks again,


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