Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Newly created witness server only connects to one of the partners?

We've been running a mirrored database (using certificates since we don't have a domain) and it's all working well. Last week we decided to add a witness for automatic failovers, but for some reason I just can not get the witness to connect to the Partner2 server.

See screenshot here

Please help me troubleshoot this - I re-created the endpoints / users / certificates but it's still not working. Where can I get more information on what exactly the problem is? Can I test the endpoints somehow?

Hello. I started from scratch on a test environment and I get the exact same problem. On the mirror I get that Witness Connection status as Disconnected.

I don't use certificates and also no encrypton as in this tutorial:

The direct result is that automatic failover does not work.

Some help will be great!


I have the exact problem. I don't use certificates and encryption is off as suggested in this article:

I get status disconnected and the automatic failover does not work.


I have the exact problem. I don't use certificates and encryption is off as suggested in this article:

I get status disconnected and the automatic failover does not work.


I managed to make it work, but my solution is really convoluted and made me feel really uneasy:

- Setup a HOSTS file entry on Partner1 and Partner2 to point the witness IP address to the name WITNESS: WITNESS

- Add the witness to the DB using the HOSTS entry (in TSQL)

alter database MyDatabase set witness = 'tcp://WITNESS:5022'

- Check mirroring monitor. Monitor confirms that the winess is only connected to Partner1

- Change the HOSTS entry on Partner1 to the wrong IP address for WITNESS: WITNESS

- Restart the SQL Service on the Witness server. After the restart, mirroring monitor shows that the witness is now connected to Partner2, and not to Partner1

- Fix the HOSTS entry on Partner1 to the correct IP address again

- Wait 10 mins

- Check mirroring monitor - it now shows the witness connected to both servers! (if it's still not connected to Partner1, restart the witness again)

What? This makes no sense, but it worked for me.


You know what. I followed your instructions step by step and indeed it works. But this is not a way I declare myself satisfied either...

It makes no sense... I wonder how anyone was able to make this work as it seems that this is a clear bug.

|||If someone wants the step by step to reproduce this I can tell it. It's a fairly basic process, following the instructions and still it doesn't work...|||

Anyway just to let you know I downloaded from Microsoft their SQL2005 in VHD (virtual hard drive) format and ran it under virtual server. And I tried step by step and it's giving the exact problem... there is something wrong there for sure.

No one willing to comment on this so far?


I found that simply restarting SQL Server on the witness server solves this issue.


|||how exactlly do you do that? add entry to the hosts file? be exact please, i'm new and not very good with t-sql

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