Wednesday, March 7, 2012

NewLine and Carriage return issue in PDF format

If I insert the following expression in a textbox it will display
correctly in HTML format but not in PDF format. Can anyone show me how
to accomplish the same thing so that it will display correctly in both
HTML and and PDF format.
vbCrLf & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "My Text"
In HTML format, it will display "My Text" on the 4th "row". Whereas in
PDF format, it displays "My Text" on the first row of the textbox.This has to be an issue (bug) with PDF and how it formats initial blank
space before the literal text. I am not sure if this is addressed in a
service pack for 2000 or in 2005 (I am using 2000 to test this) but here is
a workaround that I found that places an ASCII record seperator in the first
position before the CRLF's as:
=CHR(30)&vbCrLf & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "My Text"
That should work.
Rodney Landrum
<> wrote in message
> If I insert the following expression in a textbox it will display
> correctly in HTML format but not in PDF format. Can anyone show me how
> to accomplish the same thing so that it will display correctly in both
> HTML and and PDF format.
> vbCrLf & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "My Text"
> In HTML format, it will display "My Text" on the 4th "row". Whereas in
> PDF format, it displays "My Text" on the first row of the textbox.

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