We have a new big project coming, which will use Notification Services.
So, I bought a book: "Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Notification Services" by Shyam Pather and did all steps including installing NS, setting up the environment, and creating the first sample NS application (Chapter03). Every single step was successful, no errors. I am pretty sure I didn't miss anything.
All went well until I copied a sampla data file into the EventsWatchDirectory.
At this point, the file name almost immediately changes to EventData.xml.20060908-160948.370.err (digits are different at every attempt, but please note the extension).
I open this file using Notepad, and it is the exact copy of the original .xml file:
The EventViewer has the following message:
The SQL XML Bulk Loader could not be initialized. Ensure that it is installed or repair its installation.
Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {1DB51355-B2CA-43CB-B045-1FAA42A724B2} failed due to the following error: 80040154.
<Component>Event collection</Component>
For more information, see Help and Support Center at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/events.asp.
The link did not have info on this error.
My environment is as follows:
XP Pro SP2; SQL Server 2000 Dev SP4; SQL Server NS 2.0 SP1; SQLXML3.0 SP3.
Could someone kindly point me to the right direction as to what's wrong, please?
To my great regret, I found (by trial and error all over the past weekend) what was conflicting with the NS:
it's the .NET Framework 2.0.
As soon as I uninstalled it, the sample application started working as expected (that is, the file's extension in the Notifications directory changes to ".done").
...which means I won't be able to use VS 2005 and SQL Server 2005 on the same dev machine with NS 2000.
|||Although I don't doubt what you observed, you should be able to run a SQLNS instance on a machine that has v2.0 of the .NET framework installed.
Try this post and see if it helps...
|||Joe, thank you very much!
I followed your advice, and got it to work.
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